Saturday, November 27, 2010

How Long Will A Feminine Pad Rash Last

Barcelona TM

I had half but it's officially announced the date of departure Barcelona TM: 10 December.
That what is this ?.... it is a collective album with 27 stories above the city of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin which participated along with 32 authors who were born or reside in it. And I've drawn a history of 8 pages written by Corominas.

Cover and against:

And this is the first page of my story:

Mas info:

Norma Editorial
Blog de Corominas
...y en muchos de los blogs de los participantes.

Espero que lo compréis y os guste...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Changing The Starter On A Gas Fireplace

an illustration

Este es el work in progress de una ilustración que he dibujado para Digital-text, me ha parecido que podría ser curioso mostrar todo el proceso.

Almost parallel